3 BUMN Kolaborasi demi Lancarkan Layanan Logistik
Alnaunalogistics.co.id, Jakarta PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) atau KAI bersama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) dan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (MoU)...
We Make Moving Fast & EasyCheap & Safe
Alnauna Logistics – The best shipping service in Indonesia that already has a lot of experience in the world of Logistics, already has a valid SIUP, B3 Certificate
We have several service and security services for the satisfaction of our customers, by keeping goods safe, with that goal our main goal.
we will send your goods to the global market so that it reaches the destination country
don't worry for those of you who want to use our services in addition to sending goods, we open a house moving goods transport service
we will send your goods to from Sabang to Meraka, you can use sea transportation mode
in shipping before heading to the destination, our drivers will check all travel documents to make sure no items are left behind.
at the loading and unloading place we will ensure that the goods are completely safe from destination to final destination so that they can be accepted by customers
in shipping before heading to the destination, our drivers will check all travel documents to make sure no items are left behind.
at the loading and unloading place we will ensure that the goods are completely safe from destination to final destination so that they can be accepted by customers
We are a team of logistics & transportation management professionals who you can trust and rely on to effectively manage your transportation service requirements. With decades of transportation Supply Chain management experience, we provide our customers with cost effective transportation solutions
We have traveled more and more to small and large cities in Indonesia, so there is no doubt that we already have the point of the city that we have been aiming for. Below are our good customers who have used our delivery service.
Customize the fleet you need, choose the type of vehicle, tonnage, and fleet size then contact us
You can use our Services by contacting our Marketing Team.
We will go to the location of origin of the goods to be loaded to the destination.
We will keep your goods safe, so we will check periodically before heading to the destination
Your goods are safe and arrive at their destination safely and happy customers
IT Programmer
Menurut saya Jasa Angkutan Barang yang paling aman hanya ada disini, semua pelayanan, jam operasionalnya cukup baik
Saya driver, saya sangat suka sekali bekerja sebagai pengemudi di Alnauna Logistics.
Pekerjaan saya mekanik, mobil truck truck yang dimiliki Alnaunal Logistics sangat sangat bagus dan sudah memiliki sertifikat sertifikat yang berlaku tentunya
Alnaunalogistics.co.id, Jakarta PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) atau KAI bersama PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) dan PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (MoU)...
Alnaunalogistics.co.id, Jakarta Menteri Perhubungan (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi menghadiri peluncuran perdana rute ekspor Indonesia – China yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan pengiriman PT...
Get your best offer with a logistics delivery service with us, we are ready to provide you with a satisfied logistics experience
PT. ALNAUNA WIRA USAHA, Jasa pengiriman barang paling aman, efisien dan Puas.
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